
John Rivas Publicidad Won Seven GDUSA American Package Design Awards 2014!

John Rivas Publicidad have been awarded with seven American Packaging Design Awards, given by the prestigious organization Graphic Design USA.

The winning designs were:
• “Café CORMO 100% Organic Coffee Can & Bag - UPR at Utuado”
• “Café CORMO 100% Organic Coffee Silver Can - UPR at Utuado”
• “Lounge-Lizard at the Coffee Leaf SCIC Café CORMO Poster - UPR at Utuado”
• “Zebra Butterfly Poster Mariposario Jardín Tanamá - UPR at Utuado”
• “Zebra Butterfly Tote Bag - Mariposario Jardín Tanamá - UPR at Utuado”
• “Very BONZZO Persons Lunch Box”
• “John Rivas Publicidad Tote Bag”

The seven designs were selected from more than 1,600 competitors from across the American Nation and elsewhere.

These winning designs will be published in the GDUSA magazine and on the organization's website.

Graphic Design USA is an organization that has five decades of existence. The GDUSA American Package Design Awards competition is open to all advertising agencies, graphic artists, newspapers and the community in general.

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